Our project for July was to create a baby quilt out of Island Batik fabric. I chose to use a package of pre-cut 2 1/2" strips of Drizzle for this sweet little quilt. The package came with 42 strips and I only had to use 21, so another little baby quilt is in the making.
Here is the link to the tutorial to make this quilt by Amy Gibson....To The Point.
It's a pretty easy quilt to make. I picked out 21 strips of fabric and sewed them into strips of three.
I measured the width of this strip and came up with 6 1/4", it's best to use your own personal measurement. Then I cut the strips into 6 1/4" squares and I cut my background white fabric into 6 1/4" squares. Mark a diagonal line on the white square and lay it on top of the pieced square, sew 1/4" on each side of the drawn line.
Cut on the drawn line, open and press. I like to square up my blocks so that they are all the same.
I wish I had a baby to put in the middle of this quilt! I plan on giving it to Project Linus, I know some little one will love to snuggle up in it.
As you know, with half square blocks like this, there are a multitude of ways to set them into a quilt.
To quilt this, I used my favorite quick and easy method...my walking foot and wavy quilting. In August I will be reviewing Christa Watson's new book, and this is one of the techniques she will teach you. You can also go to Craftsy and take her class, which is full of both walking foot and free motion quilting lessons. Would you like to take it for half price??? I thought so! Use this link and you will be able to get the class for 50% off. The class is The Quilters Path with Christa Watkins. Here is the code which expires on October 5. Enjoy! and stay tuned for more about this fun class as I explore more techniques with Christa in the coming days.
Here in Kansas City we are having excessive heat...actually ludicrous heat, so I plan to stay in my sewing room after I run a few errands. Thank goodness for the nice breeze coming off the lake during my morning walk! Hope you are planning on some sewing today!
grace and peace....Sharon
Linking to:
Needle and Thread Thursday
Let's Bee Social Wait until you see her adorable monkey quilt!!!
Free Motion on the River and
Midweek Makers