Thursday, January 10, 2019

Getaway Blog Hop with Island Batik

 It's that time of year when my husband and I take our yearly getaway to warmer temperatures in Southern Texas.  So this blog hop is the perfect venue for my quilt made with Jackie Kunkels adorable Feline Fine line of fabric. I did a huge happy dance when this fabric came in my box of beautiful fabrics from Island Batik.  I mean, I always do a happy dance when the UPS man shows up at my door with a box of fabric....but Feline Fine is so perfect for me and for the yellow cat, Bella!
Feline is so bright and cheerful, covered with all sorts of feline doodles....fishy bones, cat faces and paws, mice, flowers, cute!

So, here is the quilt I made with Feline Fine, using the sweet cat block by Jenny Doan at Missouri Star.  I added the heart block from EQ and away I sewed.  Very fast and simple, which it had to be as we were traveling in the RV to Texas.  Sadly, I do not have it quilted.  We have been here a week, and I just completed it yesterday with lots of oohs and ahhs from fellow RV quilters.  Oh....and Bella loves it too!

The border is made with Island Batik Checked Out which goes well with everything!  This is a great line of geometric fabric to use in your batik quilts.

Are ready for a carefree adventure? Your itinerary is ready! Click here to begin a wonderful, color filled excursion.  Buckle your seatbelts for the most incredible month of projects during our Getaway Blog Hop!
Your tour guides are our Island Batik Ambassadors galivanting for a full month. Get caught up in our international whirlwind of fabric, thread, and more for the Island Batik Getaway Blog Hop.
The 2018 Island Batik Ambassadors have done an outstanding job of meeting each monthly challenge and frequently taking it to the next peak. They are all seasoned sewing travelers and will be amazing guides for the Getaway journey
This will be my last journey with Island Batik as I have stepped down from two fun filled years of fabric and quilts. I'm sad about not being a part of this wonderful group, but I felt it was time to take a little break and have some healing time.  Everyday is better and time is a great healer of all things in our lives.  
If you can leave a comment on where your favorite getaway might be, you will be entered in my give away.  I have some 10" Feline Fine fabric squares to share with you so that you can make your own cat quilt.  Each square makes one cat block....easy!
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Ambassador Blogs!
grace and peace....Sharon

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Bee Report

This is my first year as part of the Stash Bee and I am part of Stash Bee Hive #3.  This month we made super simple them and had to add kitty fabric of course!

Susan asked us to use anything we had been using in a previous project to make these fun blocks.  I raided the scrap basket and this is what I came up with.  Next month is my turn, have not decided what my block will be...too many to choose from!

This is my third year with friends in a group we call Bee Inspired.  For January, Emily is collecting blocks to make into quilts for Project Linus in her area.  Read here all about the block and if you would like to make one or two or more to send to her, you can! It is a quick, fun block!

We made it to Southern Texas about 9 days ago....finally stopped raining and went to the pool yesterday...yay! 

grace and peace....Sharon

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